Official Author Website of Patrick Timm

An Earthly Endeavor . . .

The trail was narrow and dusty winding through the deep dark forest towering overhead. It was so dry twigs snapped and echoed through the air as dust settled upon the brush behind. His footsteps were intense destined to a point far away beyond the canopy of evergreens towards a respite of a lush green meadow and sounds of a waterfall in the background. Sweat dripped onto his brow, settling upon his eyelids, blinking one eye at a time he does not miss a step. Like a drone he labors forward as being controlled from afar. The shadows give way to rays of light as he nears the forest edge. The scent of wildflowers and a hint of moisture in the air draw him ever faster and faster to the brightness. Soon he emerges into another land and his stride relaxes, a slight mist replaces the dust laden air and massages his nostrils. Ever slower and slower he walks and begins to feel his arms drawn down to his side and a sense of well being in his soul. The sun shines brightly here but is not hot. The earth is green and flowers compete with the blades of grass. A pristine waterfall in the distance sends millions of soft water droplets throughout the air. A huge log brings him to rest releasing his energy he sits upon the once giant tree. His boots drop from his feet to the ground and he sheds his backpack and shirt exposing him to the wild expanse. Gazing to the aqua hue of the falling water, he ponders the solace of his surroundings and reaches out towards the tranquility of the moment. One man, now in a world of his own, drawn here by a world he left behind. ~Patrick Timm

Updated: July 18, 2012 — 8:47 pm

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